The ISPOR 15th Annual European Congress Abstract Submission has opened today.
Taking place at the ICC Berlin, Germany ISPOR will be accepting abstract submissions which must be submitted through ISPOR’s online abstract system by June 26th 2012.
- All research abstract, decision-maker case study abstract, workshop and issue panel proposal submissions and presentations must be in English.
- All research abstract, decision-maker case study abstract, workshop and issue panel proposal submissions and presentations must not promote any product or service.
- Expenses associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract are the responsibility of the presenter.
- European Congress registration is required for all presenters.
- The presenters of research are required to disclose financial support. Abstract review will NOT be based on this information.
- Research abstract, workshop and issue panel proposal submissions, excluding title and author information, should be no longer than 300 words. Decision-maker Case Study abstracts should be no longer than 750 words.
- The use of tables and graphs in your research abstract submission, workshop or issue panel proposals, or case studies are not allowed.
- Generic names should be used for technologies (drugs, devices), not trade names.
- Research that has been published or presented at any national or international meeting prior to this Congress is discouraged.
- Research presented at a previous ISPOR meeting is not allowed.
- Multiple abstracts on the same study are discouraged.
For more information, visit the ISPOR website here.