Top breast cancer journals

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First Published: 
Sep 2021

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Last year, 2.3 million women worldwide were diagnosed with breast cancer. Thankfully, when diagnosed early, breast cancer survival rates are greater than 90%.

Modifiable risk factors, such as smoking, exercise and alcohol can increase a person’s risk, although it’s estimated around half of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no identifiable risk factor apart from being aged over 40. Breast cancer in males is rare, and accounts for approximately 0.5–1% of cases diagnosed worldwide.

Many health professionals are involved in treating people with breast cancer, so we’ve collated our list of top-ranked breast cancer journals, to help clinicians easily find the latest research to improve patient care.

Journal metrics

Impact factor: is based on Web of Science data and only includes documents such as articles and reviews. It measures the average number of times an article is cited by other journal articles and documents. An impact factor of 3 or more is considered good, 1 is average. This list uses the 2-year impact factor from SCImago.

CiteScore: is based on Scopus data for all indexed documents, including articles, letters and editorials. Like impact factor, it measures the average citations received per document published in a journal over a 4-year time period.

Impact factor and CiteScore have the most meaning when used to compare journals within the same therapeutic area of subject. Many academics value a journal’s impact factor over its Citescore; therefore they will use the impact factor to rank other journals in the same field.

SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): measures the citations received from a journal but it also considers the importance of the journal where the citations have come from. This measurement can be helpful to rank journals within the same field and category.

Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): measures citations weighted by subject field. A SNIP over 1.0 means a journal has more citations than average.

npj Breast Cancer

Impact Factor: 5.706

CiteScore: 6.5

SJR: 2.746

SNIP: 1.377

This open access journal is published by Springer Nature as part of its Nature portfolio, and in partnership with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The journal includes original research, reviews, meeting reports and other breast cancer research content. In 2020, top ranked content included a paper about DNA methylation markers predicting recurrence-free interval in triple-negative breast cancer, and an algorithm to triage breast cancer surgery.

Breast Cancer Research

Impact Factor: 5.654

CiteScore: 8.8

SJR: 2.378

SNIP: 1.466

Breast Cancer Research is an online journal featuring content related to the genetic, biochemical and cellular basis of breast cancer. All articles are open access and reports it receives over 50,000 article views each month.

Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy

Impact Factor: 4.962

CiteScore: 7.2

SJR: 1.190

SNIP: 1.691

Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy, is another open-access journal. It has a broad focus on publishing content related to research, clinical trials and breast cancer treatment. It also publishes articles that will help improve breast cancer survival rates and improve patient’s quality of life.

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Impact Factor: 4.104

CiteScore: 6.8

SJR: 1.908

SNIP: 1.466

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment will interest a wide range of health professionals involved in breast cancer research, prevention and treatment. The journal publishes preclinical studies, clinical trials, epidemiological research, meeting reports and editorials and provides a platform for open discussion. Recent articles include findings from a preclinical study on increased gene expression variability in BRCA1-associated and basal-like breast tumours, and predicting pathological axillary lymph node status with ultrasound following neoadjuvant therapy for breast cancer. Some of the content is open access.

The Breast

Impact Factor: 3.592

CiteScore: 7.0

SJR: 1.563

SNIP: 1.540

The Breast is published bi-monthly by Elsevier and is the associate journal of the Australasian Society for Breast Disease. All of its content is available as open access and focuses on research that helps to advance breast cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment. It is also the official journal of the Breast Centres Network and the Hong Kong Breast Oncology group.

Journal of Breast Cancer

Impact Factor: 3.009

CiteScore: 4.1

SJR: 1.000

SNIP: 1.127

The Journal of Breast Cancer is another journal published bi-monthly and includes all open access content. It’s the official journal of the Korean Breast Cancer Society, and each issue features original investigations, case reports, review articles and other breast cancer related content.

Clinical Breast Cancer

Impact Factor: 2.949

CiteScore: 4.8

SJR: 1.078

SNIP: 1.087

Clinical Breast Cancer is part of Elsevier’s Oncology Journal Network and features articles concerned with breast cancer detection, diagnosis, prevention and treatment. It’s published bi-monthly and recent articles include the effects of HER2 on CDK4/6 activity in breast cancer, genetic markers in triple-negative breast cancer, and long-term oncologic safety of nipple-sparing mastectomy with immediate reconstruction.

Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research

Impact Factor: 1.952

CiteScore: 3.0

SJR: 0.741

SNIP: 0.905

Published by Sage, Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research is another open access, peer reviewed international journal that focuses on breast cancer research and treatment. Most read articles include a look at the past, present and future of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, a link between obesity leptin and breast cancer, and the latest evidence into Vitamin D and breast cancer.

International Journal of Breast Cancer

Impact Factor: 1.538

CiteScore: 3.4

SJR: 0.552

SNIP: 0.966

Another open access journal, the International Journal of Breast Cancer has a similar focus of many other breast cancer journals – to disseminate the latest breast cancer research to health professionals and other clinicians. It has a specific focus on molecular targeted agents and immune therapies.


Breast cancer, World Health Organization

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


Last year, 2.3 million women worldwide were diagnosed with breast cancer. Thankfully, when diagnosed early, breast cancer survival rates are greater than 90%.

Modifiable risk factors, such as smoking, exercise and alcohol can increase a person’s risk, although it’s estimated around half of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no identifiable risk factor apart from being aged over 40. Breast cancer in males is rare, and accounts for approximately 0.5–1% of cases diagnosed worldwide.

Many health professionals are involved in treating people with breast cancer, so we’ve collated our list of top-ranked breast cancer journals, to help clinicians easily find the latest research to improve patient care.

Journal metrics

Impact factor: is based on Web of Science data and only includes documents such as articles and reviews. It measures the average number of times an article is cited by other journal articles and documents. An impact factor of 3 or more is considered good, 1 is average. This list uses the 2-year impact factor from SCImago.

CiteScore: is based on Scopus data for all indexed documents, including articles, letters and editorials. Like impact factor, it measures the average citations received per document published in a journal over a 4-year time period.

Impact factor and CiteScore have the most meaning when used to compare journals within the same therapeutic area of subject. Many academics value a journal’s impact factor over its Citescore; therefore they will use the impact factor to rank other journals in the same field.

SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): measures the citations received from a journal but it also considers the importance of the journal where the citations have come from. This measurement can be helpful to rank journals within the same field and category.

Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): measures citations weighted by subject field. A SNIP over 1.0 means a journal has more citations than average.

npj Breast Cancer

Impact Factor: 5.706

CiteScore: 6.5

SJR: 2.746

SNIP: 1.377

This open access journal is published by Springer Nature as part of its Nature portfolio, and in partnership with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The journal includes original research, reviews, meeting reports and other breast cancer research content. In 2020, top ranked content included a paper about DNA methylation markers predicting recurrence-free interval in triple-negative breast cancer, and an algorithm to triage breast cancer surgery.

Breast Cancer Research

Impact Factor: 5.654

CiteScore: 8.8

SJR: 2.378

SNIP: 1.466

Breast Cancer Research is an online journal featuring content related to the genetic, biochemical and cellular basis of breast cancer. All articles are open access and reports it receives over 50,000 article views each month.

Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy

Impact Factor: 4.962

CiteScore: 7.2

SJR: 1.190

SNIP: 1.691

Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy, is another open-access journal. It has a broad focus on publishing content related to research, clinical trials and breast cancer treatment. It also publishes articles that will help improve breast cancer survival rates and improve patient’s quality of life.

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Impact Factor: 4.104

CiteScore: 6.8

SJR: 1.908

SNIP: 1.466

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment will interest a wide range of health professionals involved in breast cancer research, prevention and treatment. The journal publishes preclinical studies, clinical trials, epidemiological research, meeting reports and editorials and provides a platform for open discussion. Recent articles include findings from a preclinical study on increased gene expression variability in BRCA1-associated and basal-like breast tumours, and predicting pathological axillary lymph node status with ultrasound following neoadjuvant therapy for breast cancer. Some of the content is open access.

The Breast

Impact Factor: 3.592

CiteScore: 7.0

SJR: 1.563

SNIP: 1.540

The Breast is published bi-monthly by Elsevier and is the associate journal of the Australasian Society for Breast Disease. All of its content is available as open access and focuses on research that helps to advance breast cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment. It is also the official journal of the Breast Centres Network and the Hong Kong Breast Oncology group.

Journal of Breast Cancer

Impact Factor: 3.009

CiteScore: 4.1

SJR: 1.000

SNIP: 1.127

The Journal of Breast Cancer is another journal published bi-monthly and includes all open access content. It’s the official journal of the Korean Breast Cancer Society, and each issue features original investigations, case reports, review articles and other breast cancer related content.

Clinical Breast Cancer

Impact Factor: 2.949

CiteScore: 4.8

SJR: 1.078

SNIP: 1.087

Clinical Breast Cancer is part of Elsevier’s Oncology Journal Network and features articles concerned with breast cancer detection, diagnosis, prevention and treatment. It’s published bi-monthly and recent articles include the effects of HER2 on CDK4/6 activity in breast cancer, genetic markers in triple-negative breast cancer, and long-term oncologic safety of nipple-sparing mastectomy with immediate reconstruction.

Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research

Impact Factor: 1.952

CiteScore: 3.0

SJR: 0.741

SNIP: 0.905

Published by Sage, Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research is another open access, peer reviewed international journal that focuses on breast cancer research and treatment. Most read articles include a look at the past, present and future of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, a link between obesity leptin and breast cancer, and the latest evidence into Vitamin D and breast cancer.

International Journal of Breast Cancer

Impact Factor: 1.538

CiteScore: 3.4

SJR: 0.552

SNIP: 0.966

Another open access journal, the International Journal of Breast Cancer has a similar focus of many other breast cancer journals – to disseminate the latest breast cancer research to health professionals and other clinicians. It has a specific focus on molecular targeted agents and immune therapies.


Breast cancer, World Health Organization

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


Things you should know about Journals...

To support you in this, we've prepared a number of articles to assist you in making the right journal selection for your publication. If you would like a broad overview, start with our comprehensive article 'Navigating the Journal Selection & Submission Process', or jump in to one of these other related topics and get the information you need to be successful!

Top breast cancer journals

Things you should know about Journals...

To support you in this, we've prepared a number of articles to assist you in making the right journal selection for your publication. If you would like a broad overview, start with our comprehensive article 'Navigating the Journal Selection & Submission Process', or jump in to one of these other related topics and get the information you need to be successful!

Top breast cancer journals

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Sarah Cahill
Sarah Cahill is a freelance medical writer. Sarah worked as a nurse for 14 years before a career shift into writing, first working for a medical communications company and then founding Sayline Writing Solutions in 2018. She specialises in plain English medical and health writing.
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