Top lung cancer journals

7 min read
First Published: 
Jul 2021

Key Learnings contained in this article:

In 2020, lung cancer was the second most commonly diagnosed cancer type globally and accounted for the most cancer deaths.

Although other risk factors for lung cancer include exposure to asbestos, arsenic and radon, cigarette smoking remains the number one risk factor.

To help health professionals working with patients with lung cancer, we’ve collated a list of the top journals that focus on the latest lung cancer research, clinical guidelines and reviews. We’ve also included some top-ranked tobacco and nicotine journals, which will interest policy makers and tobacco educators.

Journal metrics

Impact factor: is based on Web of Science data and only includes documents such as articles and reviews. It measures the average number of times an article is cited by other journal articles and documents. An impact factor of 3 or more is considered good, 1 is average. This list uses the 2-year impact factor from SCImago.

CiteScore: is based on Scopus data for all indexed documents, including articles, letters and editorials. Like impact factor, it measures the average citations received per document published in a journal over a 4-year time period.

Impact factor and CiteScore have the most meaning when used to compare journals within the same therapeutic area of subject. Many academics value a journal’s impact factor over its Citescore; therefore they will use the impact factor to rank other journals in the same field.

SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): measures the citations received from a journal but it also considers the importance of the journal where the citations have come from. This measurement can be helpful to rank journals within the same field and category.

Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): measures citations weighted by subject field. A SNIP over 1.0 means a journal has more citations than average.

Journal of Thoracic Oncology

Impact Factor: 6.045

CiteScore: 20

SJR: 4.539

SNIP: 2.642

The Journal of Thoracic Oncology is the official journal of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. The journal is published monthly and recent articles include cannabis use, pulmonary function and lung cancer susceptibility, and tobacco smoking and lung cancer. The journal includes a wide range of original articles, statistic models and reviews that focus on the epidemiology, screening, prevention and treatment of thoracic cancers. Its companion journal, JTO Clinical and Research Reports, offers open access content.

Tobacco Control

Impact Factor: 5.231

CiteScore: 10.9

SJR: 2.715

SNIP: 2.483

Published by BMJ Publishing Group, Tobacco Control is an international journal that focuses on the impact of tobacco on society, the economy, the environment and people’s health. The journal is particularly relevant for public health experts, policy makers and tobacco educators.

Lung Cancer

Impact Factor: 4.712

CiteScore: 8.2

SJR: 1.989

SNIP: 1.45

Lung Cancer is published monthly by Elsevier and includes a range of content relevant to the pathology, assessment, prevention and treatment of lung cancer. It includes reviews, research articles and reports. You can also follow the journal on Twitter.

Clinical Lung Cancer

Impact Factor: 4.122

CiteScore: 7

SJR: 1.506

SNIP: 1.118

Clinical Lung Cancer is also published by Elsevier with the main focus on recent scientific developments in lung cancer, including drug sensitivity and resistance, multimodal therapy and pathology. It is published bimonthly.

Lung Cancer: Targets and Therapy

Impact Factor: 4.067

CiteScore: 7.7

SJR: 1.433

SNIP: 1.140

Published by Dove Medical Press Ltd, Lung Cancer: Targets and Therapy is an international open access journal. Recent review articles include orphan drugs in development for the treatment of small-cell lung cancer and asbestos-induced epigenetic changes associated with lung cancer. The journal focuses on all aspects of lung cancer causes and treatments.

Translational Lung Cancer Research

Impact Factor: 3.478

CiteScore: 4.3

SJR: 1.474

SNIP: 1.217

The aim of Translational Lung Cancer Research is to bridge the gap between preclinical and clinical research and provide a forum for the latest lung cancer developments, expert opinions and the most up-to-date research. All of the content is open access.

Nicotine & Tobacco Research

Impact Factor: 3.021

CiteScore: 6.6

SJR: 1.338

SNIP: 1.334

Published by Oxford University Press, Nicotine & Tobacco Research is a peer-reviewed, international journal that publishes research focusing on all aspects of nicotine and tobacco. Recent issues include a discussion about racial differences associated with non-cigarette tobacco products, predictors of cigarette smoking and analysis of smoking cessation programmes.

Thoracic Cancer

Impact Factor: 2.800

CiteScore: 3.1

SJR: 0.823

SNIP: 0.851

As the official journal of the Chinese Society of Lung Cancer and the International Chinese Society of Thoracic Surgery, Thoracic Cancer focuses on the prevention, treatment and management of thoracic cancers in people living within the Asia-Pacific region. Each issue includes a range of reviews, meeting reports, clinical guidelines, original articles and other content relevant to thoracic cancer medicine.

Tobacco Induced Diseases

Impact Factor: 2.074

CiteScore: 3.6

SJR: 0.835

SNIP: 1.109

Prevention and control of tobacco use worldwide is the aim of Tobacco Induced Diseases, in a bid to help reduce the impact tobacco plays in society. It supports open access and all of the content is available to download.

Because lung cancer is estimated to affect over 2 million people worldwide annually, other leading international journals such as The New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of Clinical Oncology, The Lancet Oncology and Ca: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians also regularly publish lung cancer content and are worth earmarking for further interest.


World Cancer Research Fund

Cancer, World Health Organization

Lung Cancer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

International Agency for Research on Cancer

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


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Sarah Cahill
Sarah Cahill is a freelance medical writer. Sarah worked as a nurse for 14 years before a career shift into writing, first working for a medical communications company and then founding Sayline Writing Solutions in 2018. She specialises in plain English medical and health writing.
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