Blog Topic
Health Economics
Comparative Effectiveness and Obamacare
Learn about comparative effectiveness research and evidence-based medicine with this easy-to-understand guide, and how these concepts impact various stakeholders in the healthcare sector
Lies, damn lies, and – or are? – statistics
Delve into the world of misleading statistics in healthcare and explore the need for accurate data interpretation
Why you should learn about the updated NICE appeals process
This article provides a brief overview of the updated NICE technology appeals guidance and its importance to developers, manufacturers, health care providers, and patients.
Give me another chance! The NICE technology appeals process is updated
Overview of NICE's updated appeals guide
Are we getting too much medicine?
Uncover why Americans consume more medicine than other countries, yet get no healthier
ISPOR EU 2009: Bringing the Eiffel Tower into Perspective
An insight into the drug development process and HTA agencies in Europe, as discussed at the ISPOR Annual Conference
Great minds think alike
Exploring key learnings and insights on health technology assessment from the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) annual meeting.
‘You say HTA, I say CER’: international perspectives on evidence-based health policy
Understanding the language of evidence-based health policy: exploring comparative effectiveness research (CER) and health technology assessment (HTA) across several countries
Medical bankruptcy in the USA: the data behind the headlines
Explore the study on medical bankruptcy in the US and its impact on the ongoing healthcare reform debate
Using Medicare Data to Understand Growth in US Healthcare Costs
Researchers from the Dartmouth Atlas Project discuss regional variations in Medicare spending and their impact on solvency.
Is it time for NICE to revise its threshold?
The NICE Citizens Council discusses the cost per QALY threshold and its implications for healthcare resource allocation
Talking risk: how to communicate health outcomes to non-health economists
Discover useful tips for health economists to communicate complex risk assessments and health-related information in a way that's easy to understand for the general public
Universal healthcare in the US? Not yet, but probably soon
A brief overview of Obama's healthcare plan and its potential economic implications, as well as criticisms from health economists.
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